
Selected articles from the Mathematics Outreach Project

All The Mathematical Methods I Learned In My University Math Degree Became Obsolete In My Lifetime, viral opinion piece I wrote for the Huffington Post (as it was then called) on January 1, 2017.

Number Sense: the most important mathematical concept in 21st Century K-12 education, co-published follow-up Huffington Post article to the one cited above.

How technology has changed what it means to think mathematically, chapter in Marcel Danesi (Ed), Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Mathematical Cognition, Chapter 3, Springer Verlag, pp.53-78, September 2019.

Creating an educational tool that uses interactive representations to provide a new approach to mathematics learning, in Boris Koichu, Mario Aguilar and Morten Misfeldt (eds), Implementation and Implementability of Mathematics Education Research, ZDM Mathematics Education 53(5), Springer Verlag (February 2021), 11 pages,

Teaching mathematics as a way of thinking – not calculating, Estonian Journal of Education (Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri), Nr 9 (1), 2021, pp.33-59,